Best of

Best of > Best of
Daphne Lever - Watching the penguins

Best of 2024

Society members are invited to pick their favourite 3 images from the previous year to be presented at our January club meeting,
Courtney Killpack - playing with fire

Best of 2023

Our first meeting of the year, is traditionally a members evening, with no external speaker. Members pick their favourite/best 3 images from the previous year, and discuss them at our club meeting in January.
Courtney Killpack - Marine Commando Statue

Best of 2022

ADDPS's first meeting of the year traditionally features members favourite or best 3 images from the previous calendar year.
Courtney Killpack - Time for Tea

Best of 2021

Members are asked to submit their best/favourite 3 images from the previous year. Traditionally our first club evening of the calendar year, this was changed to be after our April AGM
Colin Lamb - Colourful on the Surface

Best of 2019

Each January, in place of a speaker, our members are invited to submit, and talk about their best/favourite 3 images from the previous year
Lindsey Smith

Best of 2018

Members submit their 3 best/favourite images from the previous year.
Ian W 2.JPG

Best of 2017

A selection of pictures that the members' submit as their best picture of the year.

Best of 2016

A selection of pictures that the members' submit as their best picture of the year.
Sue 1.jpg

Best of 2015

A selection of pictures that the members' submit as their best picture of the year.
Philip R QVconcert1 (1).jpg

Best of 2014

A selection of pictures that the members' submit as their best picture of the year.

Best of 2013

A selection of pictures that the members' submit as their best picture of the year.