Category: News

Zoom presentation – Stewart Wall ARPS

Last nights excellent presentation by Stewart Wall ARPS on Urban/Street photography is now online at our YouTube channel. Click here to go directly to it. Some links to websites that Stewart mentioned: Daniel Meadows Photo Bus – Urban Splash – Martin Parr –

Zoom Presentation – Stewart Wall ARPS

Our regular Monthly meeting on June 3rd 2020 will be presented by Stewart Wall ARPS via Zoom. The meeting will commence at 7.15 for a 7.30 start and will once again be recorded for our YouTube channel. Members should look out for the email invite on Monday 1st June.

Zoom Presentation – Anne Sutcliffe FRPS

On Wednesday 6th May, ADD&D PS held it’s first Zoom presentation, which replaced the scheduled Club night, due to the ongoing COVID situation. 30+ members and guests were able to dial in and take part in a largely successful event. If you missed out, the two halves of the meeting were recorded, and can be found on our YouTube channel here: AD&D PS YouTube Channel There is a playlist of the two videos here: Bringing the WOW Factor to your Photographs Anne asked if members would care to donate to her nominated charity as she didn’t charge for her time....

YouTube Channel

The Society has a Video channel on YouTube. Previous content includes a couple of videos shot at Otmoor Nature Reserve, of the Starling Murmurations. The channel can be found here.

AGM news

Due to exceptional circumstances, AD&D Photographic Society held a ‘virtual’ AGM this year. Usually an annual event at our meeting in April, due to COVID-19 and lockdown currently in force, members received all necessary paperwork related to minutes, finances etc. after first being asked to approve a virtual format. Following the deadline of 10th April to return votes, all resolutions were passed. Changes to the committee are as follows: Martyn Pearse switches from Treasurer to Chairman, replacing the outgoing John Cavana, who had been a emergency appointment following the death of John Prentice in 2019. Diana Saville elected to the...