Cropredy Falcons Photoshoot
Members of the society visited Cropredy Falconry at Old Dairy Farm for a photoshoot on 5th May. Images can be seen in the Photoshoots > 2023 gallery.
Details of any scheduled photoshoots.
Galleries / Members / News / Photoshoots / Society
Members of the society visited Cropredy Falconry at Old Dairy Farm for a photoshoot on 5th May. Images can be seen in the Photoshoots > 2023 gallery.
Events / Members / News / Photoshoots / Social
Miggy has organised a Photo Safari on Sunday 26th June. See emails from and/or contact Miggy if you are interested in taking part.
To Celebrate the Society’s 15th Anniversary, Miggy has organised a ‘Photo Safari’ – see details below, or contact Miggy for more details.
News / Photoshoots / Workshops
Please note that all Workshops and indoor photoshoots are suspended until further notice due to the current COVID19 restrictions. Details of future indoor Workshops and Photoshops will appear on the website when they resume. Members should also look out for outdoor photoshoot opportunities in your email Inbox.
Meriel has secured a photo opportunity at Redwings Horse Sanctuary, on 23rd August 2019. Details may be found in the Society Calendar page. If you need more details, please email Meriel or Lindsey.
A Photo opportunity in Oxford, as many sites take part in ‘Oxford Open Doors’ over the weekend of 14/15th September 2019 A weekend when Oxford Preservation Trust in conjunction with Colleges, Industry and other Oxford buildings, communities and organisations open their doors to the general public . This is a great opportunity to visit areas not normally accessible and potentially get some great photos . The Link should take you to the site so you can plan your own itinerary and plan what you fancy Meriel.
A photoshoot is planned for Sunday October 6th 2019, to the Severn Valley Railway for Steam Trains and Autumn colours More details when we have them…
An update on upcoming workshops / photoshoots. June 19th – Deddington Church: we will have access to the bell tower. If you wish to go up, the stairs are worn and circular, so please wear sensible shoes. The tower gives some aerial views of Deddington. Meet at the church at the usual start time of 19.30. I will have access to the kitchen, so will bring the makings for tea and coffee and a couple bottles of wine. July is the opportunity to have a ride on a canal boat from the mooring at Cropredy, to the a turning point...
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