Latest news from AD&D Photographic Society Blog

Special Announcement – Society meeting postponements

In light of the situation we are all in with the Coronavirus we, as a Committee, have postponed until further notice, the next workshop with Jim Muller at Adderbury Institute next week and also the AGM on April 1st at the Cartwright Arms. We have considered the health and safety of all of our members and feel this is the right thing to do until the pandemic has passed. Future meetings beyond April 1st will be discussed and information about those will be sent to you at a later date. Keep an eye out for any other messages on our website too. Keep safe...

Best of 2019

The annual ‘Best of’ Images are now online. These are 3 images chosen by members as their best or favourite images from 2019

October Topic – Shadows

Octobers monthly topic images – ‘Shadows’ – are now online in the Gallery. The usual sub-folders displaying members First choice and other (Rest) submitted images. These images were shown at our November club night.

Workshop Venue Change

We have a change of venue for all future workshops. Unfortunately we are unable to use the Cartwright Hotel for our workshops in the future. All the workshops in November, December, January, February and March will now be held in the Adderbury Institute, Adderbury. Tea and coffee (including decaf) will be available at £1 per cup/mug. Club nights on the first Wednesday of the month will still be held in the Apricot Room, Cartwright Hotel in Ayhno.