Lightroom/Photoshop Workshop update
Please see the Workshops and Photoshoots page for more detailed breakdown of the upcoming Workshops from our own Jim Muller. Thanks to Jim for the update.
Workshop photographs
Please see the Workshops and Photoshoots page for more detailed breakdown of the upcoming Workshops from our own Jim Muller. Thanks to Jim for the update.
An update on upcoming workshops / photoshoots. June 19th – Deddington Church: we will have access to the bell tower. If you wish to go up, the stairs are worn and circular, so please wear sensible shoes. The tower gives some aerial views of Deddington. Meet at the church at the usual start time of 19.30. I will have access to the kitchen, so will bring the makings for tea and coffee and a couple bottles of wine. July is the opportunity to have a ride on a canal boat from the mooring at Cropredy, to the a turning point...
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