West Bar Surgery

West Bar Surgery > West Bar Surgery
Brill Sunset, by Neil Grantham

2018 West Bar Surgery Pictures

A selection of member's pictures that were hung, at special request, in the waiting rooms of the West Bar Surgery, Banbury for 2018.
Mozambique Seascape, by Jerry Hayden

2017 West Bar Surgery pictures

A selection of member's pictures that were hung, at special request, in the waiting room of the West Bar Surgery, Banbury for 2017.
Cumbrian Stream - John Cavana.jpg

2016 West Bar Surgery pictures

Photos exhibited at the West Bar Surgery during 2016
Dawn Mist.jpg

2015 West Bar Surgery pictures

Images selected by West Bar Surgery, Banbury, for display in their waiting rooms during 2015
Dandelion by Maureen Tyrrell

2014 West Bar Surgery pictures

A selection of member's pictures that were hung, at special request, in the waiting room of the West Bar Surgery, Banbury.